Monday, December 3, 2007

TSU Ischools trainers gets headstart workshop on Open Source Software

Trainers for the Ischools project from Tarlac State University (TSU) attends a day long Training-Workshop on Open Source Software last Oct. 22, 2007.

Held at the College of Computer Studies, facilitator and speaker Rogelio Quilala oriented the participants on the features of the Edubuntu software which will be installed among the computers that will be dispatched to beneficiary/recipient schools in Tarlac and elsewhere anytime soon as they are ready.

It was explained in the training that since it is an open source, said software is open for public and is free of charge not like the Microsoft software which will cost a couple of thousand per package.

Participants were instructed to navigate the Open Office writer, Open Office Calc and Open office Impress. They are the counterpart of MS Word, MS Excell, and MS Powerpoint from Microsoft Office.

Quilala, Assistant Project manager and in-charge of the hardware aspect of the TSU-CICT Team, discussed how to train the schools teachers in computer using the said software.

The seminar-workshop was participated-in by 14 faculty members from the different colleges of TSU.

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