Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And the Campblog morning rushes in

All agog and excited, participants from the Campblog here in Mimosa Leisure Estate Clarkfield Pampanga braced for the second of this 10-day affair.

After a 30 minute ride from here to Pampanga Agricultural College (PAC), participants broke out in to two groups. The groups of teachers in a separate session room listened to three invited Resource Speakers. Prof. Katherine K. Estevez from the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) discussed the Use of Learning Objects in Integrating ICT in Education. Dr. Jose Lloyd D. Espiritu from the Dela Salle University once again presented a topic this time on Designing Instruction Online and finally Ms.Jill De Dumo, from UP Diliman, came in and discussed Learning Object Demonstration.

On a separate session area, students got their hands on for online research.

After the day all wrapped up, the participants were all ferried back in Mimosa where they were all billeted for the entire training days.

In a related note, the camp organizers chose to conduct all hands-on digital inputing by teachers and students in PAC instead, in compliant with the one to one computer participant ratio set by the Commission on Information and Communications Technology which Mimosa has far long ago expressed could not provide.

This activity has been hosted by PAC and another round of this activity is already in their drawing board to be conducted soon.

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