Monday, May 18, 2009

Secretary Chua reaffirms CICT commitment in bridging digital divide

This he expressed in his keynote address delivered by Commissioner Angelo Timoteo Diaz de Rivera in his behalf before the participants of the iSchools Campblog.

In keeping with President Arroyo’s national ICT agenda, Chua boasts of the 360 Public High Schools nationwide who have been provided computer laboratories. Equipped with workstations, multimedia projector and relevant trainings for their laboratory managers, these laboratories are in full circle save for a few PHS whose internet connectivity are still being worked out.

He congratulated the Human Capital Development Group (HCDG) for a job well done in bringing together in one venue the participants from different PHS across the country in one event which is the Campblog. He said that through this activity, the youth and the students in the process are given the change to participate in the educational process and contribute to the betterment of the society. In a nutshell, he puts in that this is what the iSchools project is all about, crossing boundaries, democratized participation in the learning system and breaking the digital divide in computer technology.

In an interview with Diaz, he said that since the onset of the project, President Arroyo made it clear that this is her priority project and that since then, she was in constant communication with the CICT to know how far has the project been hitting its mark.

The project has covered already implementation years 2006 and 2007. CICT has yet to complete 2008, 2009 and 2010 implementation.

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